We are the “Babywearing Practice” and we have been supporting babywearing in Australia since 2012.

Our Team consists of mothers who have an extraordinary passion about babywearing. But this is not our only qualification.

We are professional teachers, trainers, post-natal exercise specialists and physio therapists. And all of us have trained with renowned Babywearing Schools. And we have all carried our own babies.

Our goal is to help, guide and support as many carers/ parents as possible on their babywearing journey. And we want to help you find the perfect carrier for you and your baby.

Our mission is to normalise babywearing and have as many people as possible wear their babies.

We want to educate and promote the benefits of babywearing and make your life easier by enjoying hands-free parenting for happy babies and content carers.



Liz and the Babywearing Practice Team

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