
Liz became a mother in 2012 and with the support of a paediatrician and a babywearing consultant she was able to fix her daughter's health problems simply by babywearing. Without the need of the recommended invasive treatment. So babywearing grew into a passion. She started training in Germany with different Babywearing Schools, and her dream to educate families to wear their babies safely and to promote babywearing as a parenting tool in Australia took shape. She founded The Babywearing Practice, the first Babywearing Consultancy in Australia in 2012 and after completing her final trainer's training in 2013 the Babywearing School Australia. After running Post Natal Babywearing Exercise classes for 5 years, she is now focussing solely on education and has helped hundreds of families to wear their babies safely and in comfort. With the Babywearing School Australia she also trained hundreds of Babywearing Consultants in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Europe. Melbourne is her home, and when she is not working for babywearing she works as a Trainer and Assessor for a non-profit organisation in Melbourne fighting for a just society.


Kato discovered the delight and convenience of babywearing following the birth of her son in 2017. When he was six months, they travelled over 7000km from their home in Kununurra to Brisbane (thank goodness for babywearing!) to complete training with the Babywearing School Australia and Kangatraining Australia. Kato’s desire to share the vast possibilities offered by babywearing was ignited by what she learnt. 

As a physiotherapist, Kato is passionate about people living healthy lifestyles and advocates for activities that safe and comfortable babywearing can bring both child and wearer. She is committed to supporting carers assess their needs, review the options, identify an optimal carry and make the smallest adjustments that could mean all the difference to a successful babywearing journey. 


Hazlina’s passion with babywearing started with her first baby, who was born in Germany. Having the support and resources in Germany, she has only ever ‘worn’ her 4 children. After moving back to Australia in 2012 she completed her training in 2016. She became a Midwife in 2023. She is passionate about educating and spreading the word about babywearing. She loves to be able to provide the same support that she received in Germany, here to other parents and carers. She lives in Moe South and works from there as a qualified babywearing consultant and Midwife.

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